• Get Started


  • :

    Your age as of today is:

    • 0

    • :
    • 0

    • :
    • 0

    • :
    • 0

    • :
    • 0

    • :
    • 0


    Your Next Birthday is :

    In the next 5 years your birthday will be in the following days of the week:

    Alternate Units

    •  Years
    •  Months
    •  Weeks
    •  Days
    • Hours
    • Minutes
    • Seconds

What is My Age?

The birthday calculator tool lets you calculate your precise age in simple steps based on the date of birth you provide. By entering your date of birth and the desired date, whether the current date, a future date, or a specific date of interest, you can effortlessly determine your age with precision down to even weeks, hours, minutes, and seconds. It also displays age in time formats: years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Not just this, it also displays the days when your next five birthdays fall.

So, if you are planning a program or event where age restrictions apply, you can use our tool to verify the age of the applicants. The online age calculator is also handy for calculating your age or someone else’s age, the date of historical monuments, vintage collections, coins, and every other thing whose age you are curious about.

You will realize the birthday calculator tool is one convenient way to determine your age based on your date of birth. Not only does this helpful assistant save you time, but it also gives you accurate results while calculating age