The upcoming Hindu holiday Navaratri ends / Maha Navami is in 0 days from today.
The upcoming Hindu holiday Sharad Purnima is in 5 days from today.
The upcoming Jewish holiday Sukkot Starts is in 5 days from today.
The upcoming Sikh holiday Birth of the Guru Granth is in 9 days from today.
The upcoming Jewish holiday Shmini Atzeret is in 13 days from today.
The above is the list of religions for which we provide religious holidays for the year 2024, 2025 and beyond. We currently provide Christian, Muslim Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist religious holidays. We will add new religions very soon. You can also get here other religious holidays information like holidays in any month like January or December. Also, the list of religious holidays for today is provided for all the available religions. Do you need any holiday specific information for any religions, let us know, we will try to add those into the page.