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 Saturday, 27 July 2024
Ankara,  Turkey -flag

Ankara is the capital of Turkey and the country's second largest city.

Ankara location
holiday alert Holiday Note 30 August Victory Day. Businesses maybe closed.... See More
    Time Zone EEST  - Eastern European Summer Time
    UTC/GMT +3:00 Hours
    DST ends Sunday 26th October 2014, Back by 1 hour
  • DST started Monday 31st March 2014, Forward by 1 hour
  • Difference 08:00 ahead Chicago

Local time for other cities in

  • Airport :Esenboga International Airport
  • Lat/long :39°55′ North / 32°51′ East
  • Currency :Turkish Lira
  • Languages :Turkish
  • Dial Codes :Country +90
  • City Codes :312

Upcoming Holidays in Ankara

Victory Day
Victory Day 30 August, Ankara

The 2 largest cities in India