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The next market holiday in OTC is

1st January, Thursday

List of Trading Holidays of OTC Market in 2023

MondayMonJan 02, 2023Jan 02New Year's HolidayFull Day Off
MondayMonJan 16, 2023Jan 16M L King DayFull Day Off
MondayMonFeb 20, 2023Feb 20Presidents' DayFull Day Off
FridayFriApr 07, 2023Apr 07Good FridayFull Day Off
MondayMonMay 29, 2023May 29Memorial DayFull Day Off
MondayMonJun 19, 2023Jun 19JuneteenthFull Day Off
MondayMonJul 03, 2023Jul 03Independence HoliayEvening Off
TuesdayTueJul 04, 2023Jul 04Independence DayFull Day Off
MondayMonSep 04, 2023Sep 04Labor DayFull Day Off
ThursdayThuNov 23, 2023Nov 23ThanksgivingFull Day Off
FridayFriNov 24, 2023Nov 24Thanksgiving HolidayEvening Off
MondayMonDec 25, 2023Dec 25ChristmasFull Day Off

2023 OTC Market Holidays Service

Here is the list of market holidays for OTC, we have presented for your reference. You can refer the list to plan and schedule your OTC trading activities and operations. This market holiday schedule is also available as OTC Trading iCal calendar which you can import into calendar applications in iOS, Android and other desktop or online calendar application.